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  • Writer's pictureKimmy Meyer

Warrior Prince

Raising 4 boys has been interesting coming from a family of 3 daughters.

Ever since I was a little girl I knew I was going to be a “boy mom”. I will never forget walking off the playground in kindergarten, after dealing with some stubborn little boy, I said out of my mouth, “I’m probably going to have 5 boys when I grow up!“. Honestly I wasn’t being sarcastic, I had a know in me that I was going to have lots of sons. Hahah I remember thinking, even though I was small and didn’t know much, I did know that He had made me to be able to connect with and laugh with these dirty and stubborn little guys lol.

Now even though God had already told me this long ago, I remember finding out that my first born “Tommy” was on his way and I remember thinking.... “ahhh!!!! I’m not ready!!!”. And I wasn’t lol. I had spent most of my time with women who knew how to keep a bathroom clean, didn’t want to wrestle each other, and didnt grunt or burp on purpose. When Jake and I got married that alone was a culture shock but the thought of raising a little guy started to terrify me! “Lord I’m not ready! I have no idea how to communicate with them , Jake doesn’t listen to me why is this little human going to?” Wink wink Lol! And God said to me with I’m sure a big smile, “No worries sweet girl, this is my job.” And I was able to get excited from that moment Bc I knew this was going to be an adventure that would be fun and unlike anything I‘d ever experienced before. And I was right lol! These boys are crazy!!! Hahah I could probably write a million stories about the crazies of boys. Climbing not only trees but my furniture, counters or brothers Or even throwing knives! I’ll save that one for another day. I was a tomboy growing up so I like playing sports and watching them and getting dirty and playing in the creek but there is something so special about a boy that a girl just can’t touch. (Can’t touch this by MC Hammer is totally playing in my head now) Ok refocus.

What I've noticed over the course of my marriage and raising these little men, is the deep desire to fight! And let me clarify this bc I don’t just mean physically fight. I say that Bc my husband is a lover not a fighter lol. and I say that because Jacob and I are deeply thankful for the men and women who fight for this free nation everyday so he doesn’t have to. But, I have noticed through the difference of all the men in my life they each in their own way have a strong desire to be looked at as strong and courageous.

My husband is strong and courageous in His faith in Jesus Christ and will go to battle spiritually for anyone in need of his sword. And fight til he sees a result. Easy ladies he’s all mine!

Early today I was telling my daughter Mariah a story. My Littles love when I tell stories Bc I always say “Once upon a time there was ...“ and always use their name or just describe them in their physical appearance so they know I’m talking about them. Mariah (my 3yr old daughter), loves it Bc I use “Beautiful Princess” to describe her or her baby sister. But today just to see his response I began Zion’s story with “Once upon a time there was a handsome prince“ and let me tell you that’s as long as it lasted Bc Zion was quick to correct me and say “Noooo! Mom don't say I’m handsome! Say I fought that bear like it was the right thing to do!” Lol Zion is 4 and could care less that he‘s a good lookin fellow but his only concern is how well he could fight! And let me tell you they always try to guide the story and I’ve noticed my boys like it to be something along the lines of “and he tore up that lion!” or “he killed that bear with his bare hands!”. They never let me just give my hidden Godly message without a fight. So today Zion conquered a bear in the woods and showed fear until The King on the white horse reminded him that He would fight along side with him. God told Zion “fear not for I am with you!“ and reminded him that He can do all things through Christ who gives him strength! Together they conquered! But none the less there was a fight and Zion was in it to win it!

Now Cruz (7) is more of a gentle cuddler. But even in all his gentleness his imagination will go to having some sort of weapon like a laser beam or whatever. It’s in our men to fight and protect. It’s a God given desire! I love it! Now, I have fighter spirit in me too but there truly is no comparison. And I love that! So I will continue to encourage my little men to be a Warrior Prince! I will not degrade them so my femininity can feel stronger. Men are built to grow into knights of shining armor! Lets allow them to become that! Let’s encourage young boys to grow up to become men who are strong and courageous, ready to fight for batlle!!!

I learn so much through these tiny men! Thank you Abba!

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