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  • Writer's pictureKimmy Meyer

You’re Worth It!

All this craziness over the recent Super Bowl halftime show with latino stars Shakira and Jennifer Lopez has sparked major concern in me. First of all I am a woman. I obviously love women. I long for them to see their value. I did not watch the halftime show bc I choose to block that trash like a basketball and shout “Not in my house!” (Thank you Pastor Chris for your message on this)

From what I heard these women pranced around provocatively and even used stripper poles as props. The disturbing part is I’ve heard cheers and applause bc apparently this is “empowering Latino women”. What?! There is nothing empowering about a woman being used as a tool for arousing someone to sexual sin. We won’t even dive into the deep human trafficking dilemma we have in the US especially during the Super Bowl. We will stay focused on the issue of lack of worth. Women have thought it to be empowering to use a spirit of Jezebel for far too long. It is far from being empowered when you use sex to try and control someone else. The devil is a liar and has made women think they are thought higher of if they look a certain way, carry themselves a certain way or talk a certain way. Women were created to be a life companion not some object to use. She is worth far more then precious jewels! She is worth far more than dressing scandalously provocative and parading her sexuality around for everyone to see. Sex is made for the marriage bed between 1 man and his 1 wife. They are made into 1 flesh and it’s beautiful! i think women do these things based off of what they think will be accepted. And long to be longed after. YOU ARE LOVED AND CHERISHED SWEET GIRLS!

Our acceptance isn’t based on someone else’s value of us. Think of Kate Spade or a Gucci bag. A high dollar, uniquely made purse with extremely high value.

The bag is placed in a goodwill and a woman not knowing the difference between Gucci and Faded Glory picks it up and is willing to pay $2 for it. She brings it home she throws her crap in it and flings it around with zero care bc it lacks value to her.

Another woman finds the bag and knows exactly what she found. She found an expensive purse and is willing to pay it’s worth. She takes it home. Is careful about what goes into the bag, how something comes out, where she sets the bag etc. Why? Bc she knows it’s worth!

Don’t just give yourself to some dude that has no idea how high a price you were bought with.

God knows your worth bc He’s the designer. If that guy doesn’t communicate with Him to find out the worth, you’ll be thrown around like a used $2 goodwill find.

Proverbs 31:10 Who could ever find a wife like this one—

she is a woman of strength and mighty valor!

She’s full of wealth and wisdom.

The price paid for her was greater than many jewels.

Ladies.... YOU’RE WORTH IT! YOU’RE LOVED! YOU’RE ACCEPTED!!! You are not some clearance rack quick sale! You’re precious and a rare find!

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